Building Communication as a Core Leadership Skill

Matterlab led in-person workshops with Barr Foundation grantees from across the New England area to work on the vital components that help all leaders dive deep and understand that communication is a leadership skill.

The Challenge

The Barr Foundation invests in human, natural, and creative potential across Education, Arts & Creativity, and Climate. Realizing the need to equip education grantees with critical communication skills and mindsets, Barr’s Education team partnered with Matterlab to support its traditional district, charter school, and education nonprofit grantees to create clear, compelling messaging about how they are transforming the high school experience across New England. Matterlab designed and executed a two-day communication convening to include whole-group sessions, small-group learning, peer feedback and follow-up executive coaching to ensure everything participants learned was implemented with fidelity.

The Results

  • 100% of participants agreed that Matterlab helped them understand that communication plays a key role in their organization’s success.
  • 86% of participants agreed that working with Matterlab…
    • helped them think critically about their organization’s identity.
    • gave them tools and language to communicate strategically about their organization.
    • helped them connect the dots between their organization’s identity and the work they do.
“Every exercise, discussion, and project was intentional and completely aligned with the desired outcome. I am beyond impressed.”
Leading with Why Participant
What It looked Like

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