
Everything is Figureoutable

Everything is Figureoutable

At Matterlab, we like to say that everything is figureoutable. For the past seven years, we've been ...
Leaders Need Leaders

Leaders Need Leaders

Just like counselors need their own counselors outside of their practices, leaders need their own leaders outside of their organizations. This is because great leadership is what you get when you combine an evolving perspective and subject-matter expertise.
SXSW 2024: Vote to Uplift Voices that Matter

SXSW 2024: Vote to Uplift Voices that Matter

Matterlab exists to catalyze education organizations across the country. What better way to do that than through SXSW EDU? We're proud to partner with the following incredible leaders to present at the conference — and we need your support!
2023 Real Leaders Impact Awards

2023 Real Leaders Impact Awards

Matterlab is grateful to have been chosen as a 2023 Real Leaders Impact Award winner! “Since we were named for ...
MLK Day 2021: A Suggested Syllabus to Inspire Your Day “On”

MLK Day 2021: A Suggested Syllabus to Inspire Your Day “On”

Today is MLK Day, but Friday was his actual birthday — and he would have been 92 years old. Instead, he was assassinated 52 years ago at only 39 years young. It took almost 20 years and countless failed bills to actually pass legislation to make today a federal holiday — the first in recognition of a private citizen, a non-President, a Black person. 
The Power of Narrative Framing: What is Equity?

The Power of Narrative Framing: What is Equity?

We’re sometimes asked to explain how we view the difference between equality and equity. In short, equality is about everyone having the same things, and equity is about everyone having what they need - whatever their starting point.
The Art of Voice Establishment

The Art of Voice Establishment

By Jessie Collins | I joined the Matterlab team in February of 2020 (great time to start a big new thing, right?).
The Power of Narrative Framing: No More Achievement Gap

The Power of Narrative Framing: No More Achievement Gap

Language is inherently viral, which is how new phrases enter our lexicon seemingly overnight. It’s true in popular culture (many of us on the team just learned what ‘no cap’ means) and in the socio-political sphere. The term ‘anti-racism’ was not invented in 2020, but its use has gone viral as the way to describe in eleven short characters the work we as individuals and a nation need to do to identify and eliminate racism by changing the systems, structures, policies and practices that protect and promote it.
The World Needs Your Impact

The World Needs Your Impact

If we take precautions seriously, we can slow the spread of COVID-19 and protect our most vulnerable family and ...

It’s not enough to change the world. We help you prove to the world how you changed it.